Navadina Massage

Massage therapist treating a client.

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The treatment that you receive at Navadina Massage is aimed to heal the mind, body, and soul through therapeutic touch and positive energy. Navadina translates into "new day" from ancient Sanskrit. Through relaxation and rejuvenation, your body will go through a healing process. It may be subtle or it may empower you to take on great challenges. Whatever your healing journey, you will be able to take on a new day with a renewed respect for your body. 

I offer a variety of treatments that you can choose to suit your needs. We can discuss your goals and customize your sessions, so that your treatments are individualized and effective. 

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Why a regular massage does a body good...


Missed Appointments and Cancellations Without a 24 Hour Notice

In an event that a client cancels an appointment with less than 24 hours notice or does not show up, I will charge the client the full session that they have scheduled for. If the client has a life-threatening emergency or another reasonable unexpected life event, it is under the discretion of the therapist to waive this policy. In turn, if the therapist has to make a cancellation to a scheduled treatment, the client will be notified and will receive a complimentary treatment (the same that was scheduled). 

If the client arrives late, they will be charged for the full session, but the session will end as scheduled; therefore, the treatment will be shorter. 

Indications for Massage

All clients that receive bodywork must be in a state of health, in which massage is not medically contraindicated. It is important to be honest and thorough on the Health Intake form, so that the therapist will know how to accommodate for the massage treatment. Any discrepancies on the form or lack of updating the therapist may result in an exacerbation of the client’s condition and I, the therapist, will not be liable. 

Minors (Under 18 years of age)

Massage is also wonderful for young adults. Stress from school and extra-curricular activities can greatly affect the health of school-age kids. Minors under 18 years of age are required to be accompanied with a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian must sign a Minor Consent Form and can choose to accompany the young client in the treatment room for the duration of the appointment. 

If You Are Pregnant

Massage is not recommended for expectant mothers in their first trimester due to the high risk of miscarriage. From three months to eight months, however, massage is wonderful to alleviate aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Your massage will be side-lying to avoid disrupting circulation to the fetus. Schedule a Swedish massage when booking your appointment and type in pregnancy and how far along you are in the comment space provided. Do not get a massage if you have the following contraindications: cardiovascular disorder, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, discharge of blood, gestational diabetes, ruptured amniotic membranes, broken bones, tumors or other acute conditions. You should not receive massage if your doctor has diagnosed you with a high risk pregnancy. Doctors often considered a pregnancy high risk for the following reasons: twins, previous miscarriages. 

What to expect for first-time appointments

You must arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to fill out forms, unless you have received and filled them out prior to the time of the appointment. Please give yourself ample time to travel and find the office. This will give you the maximum benefits of the appointment time and receive a thorough and effective treatment. 

During the Session

Please have your cell phones turned on silent or off. Your treatment should be in a relaxing and distraction-free environment.

Communication is vital to an effective massage. You, the client, should feel relaxed and comfortable. The massage should not be painful in any way. It is important for you to let me, the therapist, know if the pressure needs to be adjusted or if you feel uncomfortable in any way. 

You are only expected to undress to your level of comfort. If you are uneasy about undressing for the session, it is important to know that you will be fully draped on the table and I will only expose the areas to be massaged briefly. If you so choose to have articles of clothing on during a massage treatment, I am not responsible for any damage to the clothing from the lubricants that I use. It is important for me to make the client feel as comfortable as possible. 

ŸIt must also be understood that any illicit or sexually suggestive remarks or advances made on the part of the client will result in the immediate termination of the session, and the client will be liable for payment for the full scheduled appointment

Both you, the client, and I, the therapist, retain the right to terminate the massage session at any time. In either case the client will be liable for payment of the full scheduled appointment. 

Scope of Practice

I am a licensed Massage Therapist. I do not diagnose, make spinal adjustments, or prescribe medications of any kind. I can make referrals to professionals that perform work outside our scope of practice upon the client’s request. 

I can, however, educate the client on stretching techniques and hot and cold treatments to help alleviate their musculoskeletal complaints. 

Drugs and Alcohol

If the client is under the influence of narcotics or alcohol, I have the right to terminate or cancel their appointment with full charge. Due to an inhibition of pain receptors while under the influence, the client will not be able to determine if the massage is causing any damage and within their tolerance. 

If the client feels a need to take a pain reliever the day of the appointment, it is advised to take it four hours or as far apart from the appointment time as possible. 

Methods of Payment:

Now accepting Visa, MC, American Express, and Discover as well as cash and checks.